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Some films in this shorts block have a TW: Violence.


Directed by Charles Moore (US 2019 16:06)

“The Simple Path” follows the decision making of Nevaeh, an elder care nurse who struggles emotionally when one of her long-term elderly female patients, Helen, no longer has the financial ability to support the costs associated with the care facility for which she works.    In an impromptu act, Nevaeh makes the decision to move Helen home with her to provide ongoing care with the help of her younger brother, Aman, who just returned home after a 4-year stint working as an oversees Peace Corp Volunteer.  Although the subject matter of “The Simple Path” is distressing in the realistic challenges for many elderly, the story finds emotional balance in the random acts of kindness that certain humans are willing to provide to those in need.


Director Marcellus Cox (US 19:22) 

A Young Sketch Artist visits a well renowned psychiatrist as his life begins sprawling out of control after years of Physical and Verbal Abuse has taken a toll on him.


Directed by Dean Parker (US 2019 18:47). Trailer.

A suicidal man forces his bartender to carry out his death wish through a life-defining conversation. Student Produced Films


Directed by Lanre Olabisi (US 2020 18:17). TW: Violence

When a black man accidentally kills a white cop in self-defense, the cover-up sets off a chain reaction of deceit, blackmail, and murder.


Directed by Irving Truitt (US 2017 14:57)

A troubled teen trying to cope with life after witnessing his father accidentally kill his mother. 


Directed by Aisha Densmore-Bey (US 2019 19:33)

 Mitchell is an up and coming visual artist who decides to gift his architect girlfriend, Zayna, a birthday weekend at a beautiful hotel. Zayna's office has just been commissioned to design a prison; Mitchell has a close family member who is incarcerated. During the romantic weekend, they learn more about themselves, their relationship, how to define love and move forward. “ROOM” is a film about love, ethics, vulnerability, and how we view ourselves.


Directed by  Mohamed  Hossameldin (Egypt, Italy 2018 14:00). Trailer. English Subtitles.

-Yousef is a successful cook, the son of immigrants, who grew up in Italy. After a long wait he manages to obtain the Italian citizenship, a few days after the attacks at Macerata. Yousef's certainties start to falter, leading him to a real identity crisis. When you find yourself faced with a choice that until recently would have been obvious, you will not know what to do. Yousef  è  un  cuoco  di  successo,  figlio  di  immigrati,  cresciuto  in  Italia.  Dopo  una  lunghissima  attesa  riesce  ad  ottenere  la  cittadinanza  italiana,  pochi  giorni  dopo  l'attentato  di  Macerata.  Le  certezze  di  Yousef  iniziano  a  vacillare,  fino  a  condurlo  ad  una  vera  e  propria  crisi  di  identità.  Quando  si  troverà  di  fronte  ad  una  scelta  che  fino  a  poco  prima  sarebbe  stata  ovvia,  non  saprà  più  cosa  fare.

Followed by a Q&A.

Earlier Event: October 3
Later Event: October 3