Triggered Life
Directed by John Oluwole Adekoje (USA, 2022, 49 min.)
Triggered Life is a multisensory, multimedia, post-traumatic story. How exactly does sexual trauma cast a shadow over the wholeness of Black male selfhood? When the shared cultural values of Black and brown communities demand that men suppress their vulnerabilities and meet with their psychology alone.Triggered Life follows a day in the life of two such men, Ishmael and Keith. As these men relive their stories of abusive childhoods, they embark on a journey to define their own manhood and identify. Ishmael and Keith are played by Keith Mascoll SAG-AFTRA, AEA.
Website: https://www.triggered1.com/
Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TYziFU105Os
Twitter: @triggeredlifem | Instagram: @triggeredlifemovie
Johnny Crow
Directed by Xstine Cook and Jesse Gouchey (Canada, 2021, 7 min.)
A poetic and transformative journey of a young man’s physical, mental, and spiritual struggle to return to his son through the criminal justice system and the layers of colonization it represents. Created by animating spray-painted murals frame by frame, Cree artist Jesse Gouchey painted each frame on large outdoor surfaces over a period of seven years in numerous locations across Alberta and BC, Canada. Today's resistance seeks to expose and correct treaty trickery, the dishonorable paper wars that are won and lost with the flick of a stock market digit.
Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aDlOZphumSo
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Johnny-Crow-109649412493125
With a live Q&A.
For more festival information, visit https://www.roxfilmfest.com/2022festival.
For more film information, visit https://www.roxfilmfest.com/2022festivalfilms.